How To Pick Profitable Niches For Affiliate Marketing is reader-supported and the following article contain affiliate links, When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

One of the Keys to becoming a successful affiliate marketer relies in finding the right niche market.

The main reason why affiliate marketers struggle to get an income is that they do not invest in a specific niche.

It is therefore important for you as a marketer to find the right niche that will steer you to attaining your goals. So, how can you do this?
The following tips are set to guide you in identifying the right niche markets that will help you earn from affiliate marketing.

Identify a market

It is of great importance for you to identify a market that interests you. You ought to go for a market that you have good knowledge on and that will have interest researching and writing about.

You can start by looking at the general categories such as sports or shopping, and then you can narrow the list down to specific areas that interest you most.


This follows on closely to identifying your market of interest. Research simply means that you ought to consider the specifics of a given niche market. For instance, in a sport like baseball, there is a variety of things involved such as baseball bats, caps, and uniforms, among many others. Identifying the different products will help you cut out your niche.

that will also show you if there money making opportunities in this niche. if there are not much products your can sell or promote in the niche you have a passion for, you might want to consider something else.

Find a Products to promote

If you get to this stage then the assumption is that you have successfully identified your niche. This is now the right stage for you to look for an affiliate products to promote on your site(s).

One of the easiest ways of finding a product to promote is by visiting a network such as ClickBank or commission junction and browsing their market place and listing down products you think you will be able to sell to to your audience.

Identify your target clients

If you are in this stage then it means that you have successfully gotten a product to promote.

It is absolutely wrong, for example, to promote skating boards to a group of people over the age of 50. As much as they might love the sport, they might not find it compelling enough to order a board from you.

This therefore means that you have to market your product to the right people.

If it is a skating board then high school kids are the perfect clients. This is so because they love the sport and they would be willing to buy your product.

Sit down and go over Facebook groups, do some google search and understand your audience.

understanding your audience is a key factor and will save you lots of money that you might spend targeting the wrong group of customers.

Identify the most profitable Keywords in your niche

This is one of the simplest things to do. Come up with a list of keywords that you think that your target clients might use when searching for that product that you promote.

With the help of Google keyword estimate tool and other keywords research online tools you need to come up with as many keywords as you can.

focus on keywords that will likely to bring sales and avoid keywords that contain words such as “free” etc.